10 Creative Ways to Celebrate 100th Day of School in the UAE

Hooray! You’re more than halfway through the school year! The 100th day of school is definitely a milestone. Most classrooms count ‘til they reach up to the 100th day of school and celebrate on that day. It is also likely to be a moment for reflection on what has been working well in the classroom and what hasn’t – whether virtual or face-to-face, especially with the ongoing pandemic.
Celebrate with your peers for having completed 100 days of school. Have loads of fun with the number “100” and integrate the 100th day of school in your students’ math, reading and writing activities. Here are some easy, fun, and fantastic ways to engage your students with festivities for this milestone:
1. Create a 100th Day of School Poster
Ask students to work on their own 100th Day of School Poster that can be done while in class or even as homework. Have them chronicle the highlights of their 100 days in school by using a variety of art materials to express themselves creatively such as these 100th Day of School Cutouts to include in their decoration.
You may also ask your students to create digital posters, which you can integrate in their Computer or Design Technology class. Select the best masterpieces and showcase it for everyone to see – as you celebrate the 100th Day of School.
2. 100 Random Acts of Kindness List
Encourage students to brainstorm and come up with a list of 100 random acts of kindness that they can do in their online class or after-class throughout the remaining months of the school year.
This activity can teach students about respect and kindness, which can be helpful for social-emotional learning.
3. 100th Day of School Shirt-Making Contest
Ask each of your students to find a plain white shirt at home and encourage them to use art materials such as markers, fabric paint, jewels and sequins, buttons, studs, and tie-dye to decorate it.
The shirts should be themed around “100” whether that means writing and decorating the number itself, drawing 100 designs or bedazzling their shirts with 100 small items like rhinestones or even these 100th Day of School Googly Eyes.
These googly eyes are also ideal for creating fun designs on birthday cards, DIY scrapbooks, puppet or doll-making and so much more! Have your students wear their specially designed T-shirts to class on your special celebration.
4. Dress Up as a 100-Year-Old
Join in the fun with your students. Encourage everyone to dress up like a 100-year old.
Supplement this fun-filled activity with an enjoyable and humorous writing assignment and ask your students to write about what their lives would be like if they were 100 yrs old – how they would probably look like, their favorite food, where they would live, etc.
Here are some great hundredth day of school dress up costume accessories and props you can find at Party Centre:
- 100th Day of School Inflatable Child Walker
- 100th Day of School Old Maid Wig
- 100th Day of School Old Props Wig
- 100th Day of School Child Grandma Glasses with Pearls.
5. Backward count challenge
Here’s another creative and fun way of using the number “100”. How about challenging your students to count backwards from 0 to 100?
It’s a quick and exciting ice-breaker for your virtual class while celebrating the 100th Day of School!
6. Books with the number 100 in the title
Challenge your students to find books that have the number “100” in the title. Have them enlist these book titles and enumerate them in class.
See who among your pupils can come up with the most number of books. It’s a great warm-up activity before the start of your Literature class.
7. 100 Bucket List Ideas
Perk up your students before the start of your class. In celebration of the 100th Day of School, ask them to make a list of 100 things that they want to accomplish in their lifetime.
8. Color your own 100th Day of School Bookmark
Celebrate the 100th day of school with your students by having them create their own specially designed bookmark.
9. Backdrop Decoration with “100”
Have your students create their own backdrop in time for your online 100th Day of School celebration. Join the fun by decorating a physical class bulletin board and have it set up behind you to serve as your actual background during virtual class.
Try incorporating these 100th Day of School Bulletin Borders to your design.
You can also encourage your students to create virtual bulletin boards on the same theme – 100th Day of School so they can add their own flair with vibrant fun borders, and other designs that they may like to add to their digital bulletin boards. It’s a perfect classroom activity for your student’s Computer class!
10. 100th Day Class Photo and Celebration!
Hold a simple celebration in your virtual classroom and find ways to incorporate some of the abovementioned activities here. If your students are dressing up as 100-year-olds or wearing their specially designed 100th Day of School T-shirts, don’t forget to take a screenshot or class photo and share it with them at the end of the class.
Decorate your work area with colorful balloons and come up with favor bags that you can send to your students’ home as a token of appreciation for their participation in class.
Try including these 100th Day of School Pencil Favors as a sweet and thoughtful giveaway.
Have you tried any of these easy 100 days of school ideas for celebrating in class? Share the fun with us by tagging us on Instagram! #PartyCentre
Happy 100th Day of School! We hope that these activities can help add an exciting element in your class as you reflect on the past 100 days and school and look forward to the months ahead.
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